Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Open Letter

Dear Every Chinese Man in Beijing,
Please wait until I am walking directly behind you before chain-smoking four of your nasty cigarrettes right in my face. That way when I punch you in the lungs you will really get a good idea of how I am feeling at that time.
Also, if you could hoik up some phlegm right by my shoe that would be great.

Joshua Jones


  1. Hit 'em hard!
    Smokers are right up there on the suck-o-meter...

  2. It took a post about smoking to get you to comment, huh? Telling!

  3. Ahhhhh, families! Gotta love them!

    Good morning 86, details have come to hand of your recovery. Good news 86. I'm off to stake out the route to Mission:Room Rata and Room Totara today with my trusted companion Agent Miss D to ensure there will be no simoments of pajama wearing or smoking people surrounding a ten kilometre perimetre on your return! Wish me luck 86! After all it is Rotorua. My findings will be in a detailed pygmalion written form sent to you by way of a secret code containing bad english and teriible speling, as is my custom! Hopefully no one will discover my true identity!
    Agent 86 aka The Pygmy.

  4. Oops I mean Agent 99!aka The Pygmy! Even I confuse myself of my secret identity!! :-O
