This is a little late because we have been having internet issues, but I wanted to mention a few things that happened on Saturday.
- Above is the view from my room. This random pipe on the next building over pisses out smoke just after 8 every morning. Of course, we didn't know that the first morning we arrived (around 8 coincidentally), so Donna and I naturally assumed the place had caught fire. These two Chinese girls strolled on in through the doors below which caused me a lot of stress until the smoke stopped a moment later, as suddenly as it had started. Now that I know it's going to happen... well, it still annoys me actually.
- I had to buy a new cellphone because my NZ one doesn't work with a Chinese Sim card. I spoke to another lady who is on the program and also recently purchased a new phone in NZ. She, like me, was told by the salesperson that she needed only buy a new Sim card. If you plan to go overseas and buy a Vodafone Sim card, and the sales assistant tells you it will be fine, I want you to do something for me: I want you to punch them in their face.
Thanks to everyone who has replied to my texts!
- Chinese TV: Awesome. I haven't had time to check it out much, but the one time I did have a look I saw a trippy Asian talent quest type thing and a Chinese dubbed World's Strongest Man competition (from 2007! Can you imagine the letters to TV Guide if they screened something that old in NZ, Monie!)
- Coffee seems to be like a rare commodity here. I don't know what they're making it out of, maybe ground gold flakes, but it can cost up to 40 yuan a cup, a ridiculous price to expect someone who gets cheesed at Starbucks prices to pay!
- Beijing is dirty! Not with rubbish neccessarily, or graffitti, but just grime and rubble. I want to sweep it.
So those are a few adventures on that first day. That's just scratching the surface. I could spend hours telling you guys what we've seen and done, but I better save something for when we come back!
We're off to the supermarket now. It's supposedly two stories and quite a mission. But we need washing powder. And fruit. Fruit is your friend in China, except for things like apples, which you would have to peel before eating. And who can be bothered with that! Bananas are good, as are mandarins and oranges. Exciting!
Excellent random thoughts generated. Keep it up. Selphie the mighty spewbag 'exorcised her demons' all over the carpet yesterday and has since reverted to her ravenous self. I am not sure if I am releived or ready to make you a hotwater bottle fur bag! I will head into town tomorrow and punch the first vodafone salesperson I find on your behalf. Happy to, least I can do. Miss you Jones. Be safe.
ReplyDeleteThere must have been a postal strike or somthing cos my text never arrived :O( no cred to text ya back though, so call it even.
ReplyDeleteTake lots of photos, can't road trip to catch up anymore, so will need lots of words in writing as well as the photos...
Selphie is missing you Josh!! Monie, Don't over feed her, she's compensating for the displacement and will punish you with vomit!
totally onboard with the vodaphone violence... they're useless.
I think you might be right Sarah. I found her snuggled up inside his duvet the other night. I think its outrageuously unfair that I get his punishment. Might have to work up some ammo of my own to pass the punishment along. Must go. I have just grossed mysef out.
ReplyDeleteOh I think that the Monie and Pygmy team can come up with a suitable pass-it-on-punishment! It would be my utmost pleasure to assist :-)